fortnite reboot rally

Reboot Rally Returns in Fortnite: Rally Your Friends and Earn the Snikt! Snikt! Emote and More

By The Fortnite Team It’s time to rally the squad! During the newest Reboot Rally, rally your friends who haven’t played Fortnite in a while and show ‘em what’s new. As you complete Reboot Rally Quests and Bonus Goals, you and the returning/new friend(s) you’re playing with will earn points for in-game rewards, including the…

New website

New Website

Welcome to the new website for Radge Gamer. Let me tell you a little about this website and the idea behind it. Radge is a graphic designer and animator using nothing but the best of software, producing nothing but the highest quality graphics and animations. His very own stream speaks for the quality of work…
